Qibla compass for namaz is a more accurate qibla direction finder you can find the location of Mecca Mukrama in prayer.
Muslims face the problem of qibla (prayer) in prayers during times of prayer. It is the same with the app of prayer with the accuracy of the Islamic Qibla Rukh for the correct sentence. Finding the qibla was not very easy before with Namaz times according to the world time zone. During a trip you can’t find a mosque close and can’t understand the find kaaba direction , do not worry about this qibla compass for namaz app. The Islamic apps 2018 student qibla will remind you of prayer time as well as qiblah address, so you do not have to worry about Namaz time as well as qibla direction finder anywhere in the world.
Find the address of the qibla manually and automatically with these best qibla compass for namaz smartphone apps among the top 10 apps 2018 most important apps. The most suitable Makka researcher for all Muslims wants to rush on Kiblah direction at the time of prayer in this application.
The qibla (qiblah) compares the most unique qibla compass offline application of the temporal ear alert to the muslims throughout the world, and the Namaz prayer in the direction of qiblah. It’s the best qibla compass for namaz. Find the most accurate Kaaba direction address anywhere in the world.
This kaba direction compass app is not only a Qibla compass for namaz but you can also use it to calculate salat prayer times, get prayer (salat) notification alerts. Also we have include Islamic Hijri Calendar.
For the exact measurement, device you should be kept on a flat surface. qibla finder shows the kaaba direction with easy to understand qibla compass for namaz pakistan. Its also known as islamic compass kaaba direction.
This qibla direction finder application Simply shows mecca direction. This mecca finder app finds qibla direction anywhere in the world. Direction and distance pointed by arrow to qibla in Mecca. It’s take the difference between true north in consideration and magnetic field indicator.
find kaaba direction 2018 Features:
Exact Qibla Direction
Automatically detecting your location
Calculates Prayer or Salat times.
Islamic Hijri Calendar monthly view.
Beautiful and Clean Graphics
For Accurate kaaba Direction
- Place Your Device Parallel to a Horizontal Surface (Floor, Table etc)
- Keep Your Device Away From Electromagnetic Equipment
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